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The sacral chakra, known as Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, plays a pivotal role in our emotional and creative energies. This energy center, located just below the navel, is the hub of our feelings and creativity. This blog explores how various crystals can help balance and enhance the sacral chakra's vitality, promoting emotional stability and sparking creativity.
The sacral chakra is the second of the seven primary chakras in the human energy system. This chakra is located just below the navel in the lower abdomen and is associated with the color orange, symbolizing vitality and strength. It governs our emotional body, influencing how we feel and interact with the world around us. The sacral chakra plays a critical role in our capacity for pleasure and enjoyment in life, managing how we experience and express our desires and passions.
Physiologically, the sacral chakra is closely tied to the reproductive organs, including the ovaries, testes, and urinary bladder. It's also linked to the lower back and kidneys. These associations highlight its influence on reproductive health and the body's fluid systems, emphasizing its role in maintaining physical balance and well-being.
Emotionally and spiritually, the sacral chakra is the center of our feelings and relationships. It is where we connect with others on an emotional level, fostering intimacy and emotional bonds. This chakra is also the hub of creativity and inspiration, governing our ability to see the world in new ways and to manifest our creative ideas. It's where our sexual energy and overall vitality stem from, making it a critical point for personal growth and expression.
Orange Calcite is a solar plexus and sacral stone that revitalizes and energizes the body. It is one of the few stones in the mineral world that help circulate energies. So not only does it channel to two chakras, but it can help generate movement into the other five as well.
This citrus-colored stone unites the heart and sacral for sexual empowerment. Its sacral healing allows you to feel comfortable in your own skin, love your uniqueness, and reconnect in intimate relationships. It can also foster inspiration, creativity, and the pursuit of purpose through the solar plexus. This is a stone to meditate with when you are feeling stuck, unmotivated, or depressed.
Practice: If you’re feeling lethargic or uncertain about what to do next, meditate on Orange Calcite asking for its guidance and wisdom. Allow your mind to flow with ideas of tasks that need to be accomplished, creative projects that wish to be birthed, self-care practices needing to be implemented.
Allow the energy of the Orange Calcite to help ignite your intuition to the most urgent need. Remember, resting is also a necessity so don’t be surprised if Orange Calcite urges you to rest in order to increase vital energy.
Sunstone sheds light on sulking spirits. Sunstone teaches us to say “No” without guilt, detaching ourselves from dependent relationships, and encouraging optimism and independence. Reflecting the nature of the Sun, this is a light and inspiring stone. Particularly useful for those dealing with depression or seasonal affective disorder. Its vibrant color serves as a reminder that magic exists to those who are open to seeing it. Find inspiration, joy, and the willingness to step out of your routine with Sunstone.
Through the sacral and solar plexus chakras, Sunstone shatters the stubbornness of your mind and empowers your physical nature. It stimulates creative and passionate energies promoting freedom and expansion. Sunstone encourages you to be exactly who you are and radiate your personal source of power.
Practice: Set Sunstone bedside or in a sunny spot in your home you see every day. Just like the sun, Sunstone can act as a reason for why you wake up every morning. What person do you strive to be? What are you passionate about? Any statement about passion, potential, movement, or achievement can be set within Sunstone. Simply say your intention out loud every time you wake up to see Sunstone. Let it be the reminder of your purpose and personal meaning.
Carnelian embodies the fiery nature of our being; the passion, motivation, and desire we often stifle. This stone ignites the hearth of your soul, also known as the solar plexus, to create sparks of curiosity and ambition. It also opens the root chakra, backing up inspiration with the physical energy to pursue it.
Beyond passions, Carnelian overall brings life-force energy into the body. Any negative energy held within will be burned away to make space for the vitality of life to flow through. Carnelian is like the physical trainer of stones, giving you a boost and letting you know that you can do it.
Practice: New moon rituals hold a great space for Carnelian. Its igniting power symbolizes the ability to start anew at any time. On nights of a New Moon (if the sky is clear, the moon will appear to be completely dark), write down your intentions for the next month. Any desires, goals, or mantras that deal with creativity, new projects, or physical changes can be part of your list.
Set Carnelian next to a non-flammable bowl. Read out loud the list, feel the power in your words, and set the pages on fire in the bowl. Carnelian will infuse into your ignited intentions and release them into new energy through the cleansing fire. (Please note, research appropriate materials to make sure your ritual is safe for you and any others involved.)
Mahogany Obsidian is a stone of strength, it fuels creative passion and sexuality. Removes limitations and negative blocks, allowing creativity to flow easily like the molten lava it’s born from. Mahogany Obsidian encourages us to embody our truest, most authentic selves. This incredible natural glass aids in decision-making by bolstering your inner confidence, this helps us communicate our deepest needs with ease. A wonderful companion stone for anyone who feels too timid, or needs to balance their over-aggression.
Mahogany Obsidian is tied to the lower 3 Chakras, and is especially beneficial for grounding the Root Chakra. It brings us closer to not only the earth, but our own physical body which can be so often neglected on the path of crystal healing. Feeling more present in our physical form will lead to a natural enhancement in not only our perceived confidence but also our ability to interact positively with the physical world around us!
Practice: An excellent way to be intentional with your crystals is to match your cleansing and charging to the energy of the crystal itself. Though some crystals may not be safe to cleanse on the Earth, Mahogany Obsidian is the perfect candidate for some Earth cleansing TLC.
Before burial, meditate with your crystal while holding it in your right hand, envisioning its energy like deep roots reaching to the center of Earth itself. It is most traditional to bury your desired crystal directly in the soil, particularly in soil which is blossoming with plant life. If you’re concerned you may not be able to recover your stones, burying them fully in a jar or pot of dirt will work as well. Be sure to mark the location where you’ve planted your Mahogany Obsidian, and return to it after allowing it to absorb the Earth’s energy overnight. Rinse with water and soap to remove excess soil, and take time to bask in the refreshed energy of both you and your crystal.
The Sacral Chakra is a vital energy center that influences our feelings, relationships, and creativity. Engaging with targeted journal prompts can help you explore and balance this chakra, encouraging emotional growth and the expression of your authentic self. Here are some prompts to help you tap into the energy of your Sacral Chakra:
What emotions am I holding onto that no longer serve me?
In what areas of my life do I need more creativity?
Maintaining a balanced sacral chakra is crucial for your overall emotional health, creativity, and interpersonal relationships. By integrating the recommended crystals into your spiritual practice, you can enhance your emotional and creative outputs significantly. Dive deeper into your journey of self-discovery and healing with these natural gemstones.
Rocks With Sass
Rocks with Sass offers an ever-changing selection of unique crystal pieces online and in store at their Westerville, OH storefront. Shop over 200+ crystal varieties from all over the world plus giftables and metaphysical tools. Join our online community on Instagram or our email list at the bottom of this page for inspiration and crystal education throughout the month.
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