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Protection - Meditation - Calming


I am calm, peaceful and relaxed in my mind, body and soul.


Chemical Formula





Amethyst healing properties include stress relief, treating insomnia and relieving the pain of headaches. This crystal attracts positive energy while ridding your body of any negative emotions—feelings of stress, anxiety, fear, depression and more.

Amethyst crystals are exceptional for providing spiritual protection, inner strength and clarity of mind, making them a classic meditation tool and great for boosting creativity. Meditating with Amethyst can help you still your thoughts and become more in tune with your feelings.

If you are looking to grow in your spirituality, find inner peace and step away from destructive behaviors, Amethyst is the stone for you.

Amethyst is especially supportive of the emotional body, bringing those who are overworked, overstressed, or overwhelmed back to center. It can elicit the feeling that you are surrounded by a "bubble of light", thus creating a calmness, protecting you against the stresses of everyday life. It balances out your highs and lows, promoting emotional centering. This is a wonderful crystal to use if you frequently find yourself in situations where you are unsure how to take action because of your emotions. 

Amethyst is widely known for supporting sobriety, but sobriety doesn't translate into alcohol alone. This also applies to food, drugs, gambling and anything else that is a compulsive destructive behavior. This stone interacts with your auric field turning those addictive, self-sabotaging thoughts into positive ideas and actions. Meditating and setting a clear intention to break free from whatever addiction you have will increase the effectiveness. 

A great alleviator of sadness, it supports coming to terms with loss. Its presence helps one understand that there is no death, only transitioning and changing of forms. It encourages the release of grief, and rejoicing in a loved one’s spirit being freed from the confinement of the physical body.

Three Reasons to wear Amethyst:

1. Aids in overcoming bad habits like overindulgence by revealing self-destructive tendencies.⠀

2. As a high frequency crystal, it protects us from lower energies and psychic attack.⠀

3. Connected to the element of Wind, Amethyst encourages mental stimulation by connecting our physical selves to the Spirit realms.


Keep Amethyst on you when you need to calm anger and frustrations. Use to prevent intoxication, overindulging, and when giving up bad habits. Hold or place on your forehead when meditating to still your thoughts and to achieve a higher level of consciousness. Place it under your pillow when sleeping for peaceful dreams. Put it in the bathtub or next to a candle near the bath to achieve a heightened state of relaxation.


Many choose to decorate their home with Amethyst based off its appearance. However, if placed in the right room it can have many metaphysical benefits as well. For instance, in the family room it can help facilitate family bonding time and provide the confidence and calmness necessary for open communication.


Amethyst is a purple variety of the mineral Quartz that ranges in color from pale to deep purple, depending on the combination of trace amounts of Iron and Aluminum. Be sure you don't leave your Amethyst baby in the sun for too long or that dark deep purple will fade to a lighter hue.

The color of Pink Amethyst comes from inclusions of hematite and iron inside the quartz points.


Amethyst is an incredibly well known crystal. Even those who aren’t particularly interested in crystal healing or geology would likely be able to list this crystal as among the most notable gemstones in the world. Amethyst is said to have first been discovered by humanity 25,000 years ago, and quickly became a highly desirable stone. Coveted for its gorgeous purple coloration, ancient Amethyst jewelry has been found and dated as far back as 2000 bc. The ancient Greeks had the most storied relationship with Amethyst. Depending on your interpretation, Amethyst holds the mythology of being colored violet by Dionysus (the Greek god of fruitfulness and wine), either by his tears or the wine from his goblet. In fact the name Amethyst is derived from the Greek word Amethystos, meaning “not drunk” as keeping this purple crystal on your person was said to keep your mind sober while drinking. As society developed, Amethyst was considered to be an incredibly rare gemstone typically reserved for the upper class. Only upon the discovery of vast Amethyst pockets in the mines of South America in the 1800s did Amethyst become readily available. This makes the majority of Amethyst today reasonably affordable, so it’s a perfect companion for anyone starting their crystal healing journey. Today we can all look at the history of Amethyst to confirm its incredible metaphysical properties. The way Amethyst can literally be translated to ‘sober mind’ is indicative of its incredible upper Chakra invigorating energies. Amethyst today is well known for how its serene violet energy is able to calm the mind, and help induce a peaceful meditative state. It’s incredible to think about how using Amethyst reminds us of how our human ancestors used it in their lives so similarly!

Amethyst is considered typically to be the purple member of the Quartz family. The most recognizable form of Amethyst is probably the Amethyst cluster, these are typically sourced from Brazil which is known to be the Amethyst capital of the world. However, just because it's the most common, clusters are not the only form Amethyst can take. Just like its siblings Clear Quartz and Smoky Quartz, Amethyst can grow in many unique patterns as listed in our article Quartz Characteristics & Crystal Formations. Notable forms of Amethyst include ones that are designated by their particular localities which give them notable and desirable characteristics. Such as Vera Cruz Amethyst’s long, transparent lavender crystals that can grow into multiple formations, including but not limited to scepters, twins, double terminated crystals. Brandberg Amethyst is a staple location for collectors looking for deeply saturated grape purple Amethyst crystals, these crystals can grow in multiple formations including large terminated clusters, twins, and even elestials. Amethyst can even change in color depending on the location it’s from, for example Thunder Bay Amethyst is an extremely desirable variety of Amethyst known for its red caps. However in the case of Thunder Bay Amethyst, the coloration is caused by a hematoid coating over top of otherwise purple crystals, meaning that is not a distinctly separate color of Amethyst. When hematoid inclusions entered inside of an Amethyst while it was growing, this caused a dramatic change in some particular Amethyst crystal’s coloration. These hematoid inclusions result in Pink Amethyst, a very recent discovery (2019) and one that had gemologists questioning its title. Is a non-purple quartz still considered Amethyst? The consensus is that Pink Amethyst is most closely related to the violet Amethyst that we’ve known and loved for thousands of years, and therefore it’s most simply a notable moniker for Amethyst’s newly beloved pink cousin. This astounding coloration does give Pink Amethyst a slightly different energy when it comes to its metaphysical properties as well. Pink Amethyst adds a heart centered energy to Amethyst’s properties, opening not only the Crown Chakra but also the Heart Chakra, allowing your mind and heart to connect and benefit you along your journey. However when it comes to Green Amethyst, Yellow Amethyst, or even Black Amethyst; most on the market are man-altered versions of Amethyst. These treatments can either be heat or irradiation to cause these alternate colorations most often in the case of Green Amethyst or Yellow Amethyst (often marketed as Citrine) however in rare cases these conditions for color change can be caused naturally beneath the earth’s surface. Calling these varieties of Quartz the name Amethyst can be considered unsavory to many in the geologist community, so these names are more of a market decision on the part of retailers. All of this said, the most correct definition of Amethyst is the purple variety of Quartz, no matter the shape it takes.

Amethyst is a beautiful stone, perfect for most everyday wear. As the birthstone of February, a great many people enjoy wearing Amethyst whether in fine jewelry as a faceted gemstone or as a reliable every day bracelet. Amethyst is a relatively hard stone at a 7 on the Mohs hardness scale just like all of its Quartz siblings, so it’s unlikely to be scratched and can typically withstand an impromptu drop or two. The only caveat is that Amethyst can lose its vibrant purple color if left out in the sun too long, so frequent wearing of your Amethyst gemstone in direct sunlight will cause its color to eventually fade. When it comes to the crystal healing benefits of wearing Amethyst, it boasts a peaceful violet energy that will help to calm both you and those around you. An Amethyst stone or piece of Amethyst jewelry also make perfect gifts for friends and family suffering from bad habits or addictions. Whether you’re wearing this tranquil stone or simply carrying it in your pocket, its effects will be evident in your life! If you’d like to amplify the effects of your Amethyst, there are many options to compliment this purple crystal’s serene energy. Carrying an Amethyst stone that is tumbled may be preferable over a raw Amethyst, as they're an excellent way to make a crystal pairing as tumbled crystals can be put together safely with one another despite their difference in hardness. Though crystal healing is not a suitable replacement for therapy or medical attention, they can be paired with medical attention to add to its effectiveness. If you’re looking to amplify Amethyst’s anti-compulsive energy, pairing it with crystals like Selenite and Howlite will help with curbing anxiety formed over bad habits. Leaving these tumbled crystals in an easy to reach pocket can help by being able to hold them close or fidget with them as a form of quiet meditation when you’re experiencing the urge of these behaviors. If you’ve worn your Amethyst daily in order to create a more peaceful environment, it can be beneficial to leave it in a Selenite bowl whenever you aren’t wearing it. This gives your Amethyst an opportunity to be cleansed and recharged with the complimentary energy of Selenite.

Amethyst should be placed anywhere inside of a home that you feel the need for more peace. Whether you’re placing an Amethyst sphere in your living room to calm the energies of friends and family who may be otherwise stressful to your environment, or placing an Amethyst cluster on your nightstand to help promote peaceful rest and pleasant dreams, Amethyst is an incredible crystal ally to use to your advantage in your home. As long as you’re keeping your Amethyst pieces out of the sun, they can go almost anywhere in your home! Amethyst’s relaxing energy is perfect nearby the shower, or even in the tub with you as long as it’s too large for the drain, as Amethyst is perfectly water safe. It’s important to keep clusters or points safely out of the reach of children or rowdy animals, as they have the potential to be sharp on their edges or tips. It may be best to keep tumbled Amethyst away from small children, however an Amethyst palm stone that’s too large to accidentally ingest may help soothe their energy. Amethyst is a staple stone to keep in your sacred space as well, due to the fact that along with its storied mind calming abilities, this stone is a perfect mind expanding companion. Meditation with Amethyst can enhance your spiritual protection and goes very well paired with other Crown Chakra stones like Clear Quartz and Moonstone to boost psychic gifts, so this Amethyst is a wonderful stone to keep on an altar.

Amethyst is considered to be a semi-precious gemstone, but it was previously considered precious due to the fact that they had not yet found the plentiful deposits in South America. When it comes to gemstones there is no other gemstone with quite the same true purple hue as Amethyst, and this is where faceted Amethysts become so desirable. If a jeweler is looking for a natural grape purple gemstone, naturally Amethyst would be their first choice, but which Amethyst would they consider to be the best quality for their fine jewelry? In a similar fashion to Diamonds, most colorful gemstones are graded by their clarity. When looking at an Amethyst, those that would be considered fine gemstone quality would not have any visible inclusions other than those that cause the color of the Amethyst itself. Whether these inclusions would be the natural fractures inside of an Amethyst crystal, negative crystals, or foreign mineral inclusions. However where Amethyst and Diamond differ is the grading of their color. Traditionally clear Diamonds are more desirable, however the more saturated an Amethyst gemstone is the higher its quality. It’s also important for the Amethyst gemstone to have consistent color saturation throughout the faceted stone. Any color striation or light patches would be considered a defect in these stones. In essence, a perfect quality Amethyst would have to be one where it’s perfectly translucent, yet a rich purple color throughout the gemstone. 

On a completely separate spectrum would be Amethyst specimens, some deal of personal preference can be involved! Though rarer localities will boost the price and desirability of these specimens, even a pale lavender colored Amethyst crystal may be just what you’d love in your collection. Inclusions inside of these pieces often form rainbows that are a fun, colorful way to brighten your day. Additionally colorful striations may even be more desirable than not in Amethyst specimens, often called phantoms or chevrons. These chevrons hold the meaning of the Amethyst that grew them lasting through millions of years, making them ultimately more special to the collectors who now covet them. In the world of rock collecting there’s something to the individuality of every piece, letting you collect many pieces of Amethyst that each have one or multiple special traits!
