Fluorite in all of its colorful variations is known as a wonderful stone for students, artists, and especially those who suffer from a lack of organized thinking. Part of the reason why Fluorite has gained its crystal meaning of order and clarity is plainly seen in its gorgeous geometric patterns and lovely translucence in color. Fluorite crystals grow in a perfect cubic cluster, and it impresses humanity with the perfection inside each of its rainbow bands; without forcing that perfection upon us. Though they are perfect, they are fragile. If you carry a magical Fluorite crystal as a pocket stone, it’s important to keep their low hardness in mind. A tumbled Fluorite should be kept solely with other tumbled stones, or it's prone to scratching. A raw Fluorite pocket stone shouldn’t be kept in the same pocket as harder raw stones, coins, or metal that might break it. This is simply a warning, not a suggestion to not carry Fluorite! As our guide on the color meaning suggests, Fluorite is an incredibly multifaceted mineral that’s perfect for many occasions!