The feldspar mineral Labradorite is named after its location of origin: Paul Island, off of the province Labrador, Canada. Though the ‘Isle of Paul’ is where Labradorite crystals were first discovered, this stone can be found in mining districts all around the globe! When it comes to size, the largest specimens of Labradorite crystal are found in Madagascar. These beastly Labradorite pieces can come as rough rocks, or polished freeforms, even larger than 100kg! Though it can be important to remember: these massive mineral monuments may not have the same quality as smaller, more reasonably sized Labradorite from a typically A Grade mine. The stone Labradorite is typically graded by the quality of its flash, or Labradorescence. The highest grade Labradorite that is available is only sourced from Finland, and is called Spectrolite: this variety of Labradorite is considered to be of gemstone quality! Though we at Rocks With Sass don’t currently offer Spectrolite, if you’re a Lab Lover like us, it’s worth looking into. The three localities previously mentioned are just a few places this mineral can be found. Labradorite can be found additionally in other parts of North America, Europe, Australia and Asia.