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Crystal Meanings A-C
Crystal Meanings M-Z
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Approximate sizes:
Small: 0.5-0.75” - $4.00
Medium: 1-1.25” - $5.00
Large: 1.3-1.75” - $7.00
You will receive 1 piece of Blue Lace Agate and a meaning card with your order.
KEY WORDS: Nurturing, Expression, Balance
ENERGY: In its white and blue layers, Blue Lace Agate wields the ever flowing energy of clear and truthful communication within the soul. This powder-blue beauty aids in releasing fears of sharing truth and emotion through language. Opening the throat chakra, Blue Lace Agate activates strength within speech. When we give a voice to our soul, we live without facades and bring in more authentic experiences. This stone is great for people who struggle with public speaking, social anxieties, and creative writing blocks. With its soft vibrations, you can feel a sense of ease in your heart to easily express yourself loud and clear.
Please note that this is a natural product; sometimes crystals have small imperfections and blemishes.