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Crystal Meanings A-C
Crystal Meanings M-Z
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Crystal sizes: approximately 0.75-1”
Includes the following crystals, corresponding meaning cards, and drawstring bag:
1 Blue Lace Agate tumbled stone
1 Smoky Quartz tumbled stone
1 Blue Calcite raw chunk
1 Howlite tumbled stone
1 Jade tumbled stone
Note: You will not receive the exact stones pictured, but stones of the same quality and similar appearance. See photos for examples of variety.
Blue Lace Agate - NURTURING, EXPRESSION, BALANCE - I gently speak my truth and release all fears around judgement.
Smoky Quartz - GROUNDING, PROTECTION, MOOD LIFTING -My spirit is grounded deep in the Earth. I am able to let go of fear and move forward knowing the universe will always provide for me.
Blue Calcite -EMOTIONAL RELEASE, TRANQUILITY, CALMING - I release my negative thoughts, embracing positivity and optimism.
Howlite - CALMING, AMBITION, LEARNING- I feel peace + calm as I ease into my night. My heart is open to all the magical things that tomorrow may bring.
Jade - GOOD LUCK, FRIENDSHIP, CLEANSING- I am surrounded by beauty and abundance.