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Crystal Meanings A-C
Crystal Meanings M-Z
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Approximate sizes:
Small: 0.5 - 0.75” - $1.50
Medium: 1” - $3.25
LOCALITY: Madagascar
You will receive 1 piece of Amazonite and a meaning card with your order.
KEY WORDS: Calming, Communication, Truth
ENERGY: Amazonite brings peace and calm to the mind and heart. This turquoise-blue stone is also known as the peacemaker, bringing a soothing energy into the space it resides. Connecting the heart and throat chakra, Amazonite facilitates ease of honest communication. The heart strengthens relationships with open emotions while the throat channels ease for speaking truth. The ability to speak from the heart calms the nerves, relieving you of uncomfortable conversations and fear. When fear is dispelled, you can live more authentically. Adventure, new experiences, and harmony spring from Amazonite’s effects.
Due to the nature of natural items, color and pattern will vary. See photos for example of range.
Please note that this is a natural product; sometimes crystals have small imperfections and blemishes.