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Crystal Meanings A-C
Crystal Meanings M-Z
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Approximate sizes:
XS: 0.25-0.9" (Skinny) - $1.00
Small: 0.25-0.9" - $2.00
Medium: 0.25-1.25" - $3.00
Large: 0.7-1.4" - $4.00
You will receive 1 intuitively selected piece of Yellow Apatite and a Yellow Apatite meaning card with your order.
KEY WORDS: Manifestation, Confidence, Optimism
ENERGY: Helps one find the courage to take risks and the clarity to know which risks to take. Good for psychic abilities, yin/yang balance, meditation, and accessing inner self. A great eliminator especially of toxins - decreases negativity and neutralizes stored anger.
Due to the nature of natural items, color and pattern will vary.
Please note that this is a natural product; sometimes crystals have small imperfections and blemishes.