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Crystal Meanings A-C
Crystal Meanings M-Z
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Approximate sizes:
XS: 0.8"-1.25" x 0.75-1"
Small: 1.15-1.5" x 1-1.2"
Medium: 1.3-1.55" x 1.2-1.45"
Large: 1.55-2" x 1.35-1.7"
ENERGY: Angel Aura Quartz has been bonded with Platinum and Silver. This crystal radiates peace and positivity. Enhances intuition and psychic skills while surrounding you with harmony and love. It assists in elevating your mood and connecting you with your angelic spirit guides. Used for the clearing of the aura and the chakras, as well as the removal of unconscious cords, limited beliefs, and psychic contracts. During meditation, this stone can bring you into your “Inner Temple” where you may connect and integrate your Higher Self more fully.
Please note that this is a natural product; sometimes crystals have small imperfections and blemishes.