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Crystal Meanings A-C
Crystal Meanings M-Z
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You will receive 1 piece of Goldstone and a meaning card with your order.
ENERGY: It may seem that man-made crystals take a backseat to natural stones. However, the creativity and power it takes to create Goldstone is infused within its composition. This energy transfers from this sparkling stone to you; fostering self-empowerment, vitality, and the ability to build something new. When all is dark, Goldstone sheds light like a fiery, glittering beacon. Rediscover your inner fire, boost self-esteem, and go forth into the future with certainty.
To create green goldstone the copper that is typically used in the orange variety is replaced with chromium.
Due to the nature of these items, color and pattern will vary. See photos for example of range.
Please note sometimes crystals have small imperfections and blemishes.