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Mini White Aragonite Clusters

Pieces are intuitively chosen, characteristic requests can be made at the end of checkout.
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Approximate sizes:

XS: 1-1.75"

Small: 1.45-1.74"

Locality: Mexico

You'll receive an intuitively selected piece of White Aragonite with your order

Keywords | Perspective, Grounding, Balance

Energy | White Aragonite is a stone associated with both the Root and the Crown chakras, making it an essential psychic protection ally. This stone will help to physically ground you by balancing the connection + flow of energy between your top and bottom chakras, as well as spiritually grounding you by opening you up to divine guidance. Great for breaking bad habits, recovering from addictions, and ending cycles. Keep in your bedroom to ward off nightmares. A wonderful companion for those in leadership positions; as it promotes seeing the bigger picture without losing sight of the details. White Aragonite promotes healthy functioning within society, and may be an especially powerful ally to sensitive souls.

Due to the nature of natural items, color and pattern will vary. 

Please note that this is a natural product; sometimes crystals have small imperfections and blemishes.
